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1、Gazprom 俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司(Gazprom)是俄罗斯最大的天然气生产企业,也是世界最大天然气公司。其前身是俄罗斯国家天然气康采恩。 主要从事石油天然气地质勘探、开发、生产、加工、储运以及销售。 2005年9月,俄气收购了西伯利亚石油股份公司75.6%的股份,掌握了西伯利亚石油公司的绝对控股权,控制了世界上20%的天然气储备,而俄罗斯对俄气的控股权也从38.37%提高到了51%。 收购西伯利亚石油公司是天然气工业股份公司向全球能源公司迈进所实施的重要战略举措,使俄罗斯能源大国的地位进一步得到巩固,其能源产品在世界能源市场上更具有竞争力。收购西伯利亚石油公司之后,天然气工业股份公司把该公司改名为天然气工业石油股份公司。 Gazprom Neft is a subsidiary of the Russian energy giant Gazprom. Although Gazprom Neft has an independent listing on the Moscow Exchange, its parent holds more than 95% of its outstanding shares. The Russian government, in turn, holds 50% of Gazprom shares. Gazprom Neft produced about 482 million barrels of oil in 2014. Natural gas production amounted to about 104 million BOE during the year. The company has production operations in Russia, Iraq, Venezuela and several other countries. It operates four refineries in Russia and another in Belarus. Nearly 1,750 Gazprom Neft service stations operate in Russia and Europe. Gazprom Neft has a market capitalization of nearly $10.5 billion. 官网:Gazprom.com ![]() 2、Lukoil 卢克石油公司(Lukoil)成立于1991年,是全球最大的上下游一体化石油天然气公司之一。公司的主营业务是石油天然气的勘探和开发,石油及石化产品的生产和销售。 卢克石油公司拥有全球1.3%的已探明石油储量和2.1%的石油开产量,原油产量占全俄原油总产量的16.6%;加工量占全俄原油加工总量的16.5%。 Lukoil produced nearly 707 million barrels of oil in 2014 and ranked as the second-biggest producer in the country. The company's natural gas production came in at more than 92 million BOE on the year. It has a market capitalization of more than $27.7 billion. In addition to gas and oil exploration and production activities across Russia, Lukoil operates in 12 other countries in Europe, Africa and the Middle East. Its refining and petrochemical operations include six refineries in Russia and an interest in five more refineries in New Zealand and Europe. Lukoil also operates power generation facilities in Russia and gasoline service stations in Russia, Europe and the U.S. ![]() 3、Rosneft 俄罗斯石油公司(Rosneft)是俄罗斯最大的石油公司,成立于1995年9月29日。 2013年3月,俄罗斯完成了收购TNK-BP的交易,使其成为全球最大的上市原油生产生,BP成为其主要股东之一(持股比例升至19.75%)。 Rosneft is Russia's biggest oil company, with reported production of about 1.5 billion barrels in 2014. The company also ranks as Russia's third biggest natural gas company, with production amounting to more than 345 million barrel of oil equivalents (BOE). Rosneft has a market capitalization of nearly $38.7 billion, making it the highest publicly valued company in this list. Rosneft maintains exploration and production activities across Russia and in 10 other countries, including the United States, Canada, Brazil, Norway and Vietnam. It operates 13 refineries in Russia and has an interest in seven additional refineries in Western and Eastern Europe. Rosneft also operates a network of over 2,400 retail gasoline service stations and is Russia's largest supplier of jet fuel. ![]() 4、Surgutneftegas Surgutneftegas是俄罗斯大型油气公司,该公司通过合并几家拥有西西伯利亚大型石油和天然气储备的国有公司而成立。 Surgutneftegas falls just behind Gazprom Neft with crude oil production of nearly 447 million barrels in 2014. Gas production rose to about 55.3 million BOE on the year. The company's operations are mostly confined to the domestic market. In addition to its exploration and production activities, the company operates a refinery and a gas processing plant, produces petrochemicals, and runs a power generation business. Surgutneftegas also operates nearly 300 service stations. It has a market capitalization of over $18.5 billion. ![]() 5、Tatneft Tatneft是俄罗斯最大的石油公司之一,是国际公认的垂直整合控股公司。公司的产业园区包括稳定发展的石油天然气生产,石油炼制,石油化工生产,轮胎制造综合体,加油站网络和服务。 Tatneft produced almost 193 million barrels of oil in 2014, in addition to gas production of almost 5.5 million BOE. The company produces oil and gas primarily within Russia, although international projects are in development. Tatneft operates a refining and petrochemical complex, a second refining facility and a gas processing plant. A tire manufacturing facility is housed in the refining and petrochemical complex, where a total of 12.5 million tires were produced in 2013. Tatneft distributes refined petroleum products through its network of more than 650 service stations in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus. The company has a market capitalization of more than $9.7 billion. ![]()
--------------------- 专栏简介:博士说油,石油院校科班出身,有近10年政府和能源央企工作经验,对中石油、中石化组织架构以及业务运转都比较熟悉。接触原油市场多年,在俄罗斯、中东、西非,墨西哥等地有一些专业石油贸易商资源,如您有进口原油和石油产品方面的需求,可提供力所能及的帮助。 当前油气改革进入新阶段,从油气勘探放宽外资准入、三桶油联手增储上产、到管网公司成立、再到成品油市场扩大准入、外资加油站进一步放开、支持民企参与成品油出口,市场化的方向是非常明确的。我在两桶油多年积累的资源还行,如您有进行中的项目,尤其是互联网、大数据等技术与主营业务相融合的,需要一些省市的落地场景支持,咱们可以多交流。 精力有限,请说明来意,无名片勿扰,每晚回复。 |